Monday 27 January 2014

Experiment Outline

Done by: Ye Lun, Yong Hoe, Zhu Yin, Jia He, Ning Zhe

Physics Pendulum Experiment

Physics pendulum experiment 

Done by:  joe, Hong Tao , Micaiah, Keng Wen, Jun Wei

Experiment outline:
This experiment is to find out if the length of the pendulum string will affect the period of a simple pendulum. The experiment was conducted with strings from length 10cm to 60 cm , & six different timings were recorded for each string of different length. The results of the time taken for one oscillation of pendulums of different string length were used to find the relationship between the pendulum string length and it's period.

Conclusion: when the pendulum string length increases, so does the period.

Procedure :
1. Create pendulums of different string length, from 10 cm to 60 cm.
2. Record the time taken for 20 oscillations for each pendulum of different string length six times.(T)
3. Record findings in a table
4. Use the information recorded to find the time taken for one oscillation of pendulums of different string length
5. Plot a graph of  T (s)/  L (cm).  Where L is length of string and T is time.

Table for findings :

Graph for findings : 

Interpretation of graph: 
As the length of the pendulum string increases, so does the time for one oscillation increase. 
Equation: T= M( L) + C.    Where M is the gradient of the graph. 

Other possible graphs: 

Physics Oscillations

Done by: Priscilla, Sandy, Jing Han, Charissa, Qian Ning

Experimental outline
Aim: If the degree of release will affect the period of a pendulum swing.

Independent Variable: The different degrees. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees.

Dependent Variable: The time for the pendulum swing to stop moving and the number of oscillations.

Step 1: Set up the pendulum swing and measure 10 degrees downwards from the stand.
Step 2: Release the pendulum.
Step 3: Record the number of oscillations and the time for it to come to a complete stop.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 for 2 more times to calculate the average.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees respectively and record your findings.
Step 6: Compare your findings. Plot a chart and graph to better illustrate your findings.

How to find your results:
Take average time for the pendulum swing to stop moving divided by the average number of oscillations.

Pendulum Experiment Outline

Done by: Jun Yang, Benjamin, Shi Heng, Han Kang

Goal of Experiment:
To find out if the length of the string of the pendulum affects the period of one entire oscillation.

1. Take down the time taken for a complete oscillation using the 10cm string when dropping the pendulum from a 45 degrees angle.
2. Repeat step 1 but replace the 10cm string with a 15cm string.
3. Repeat step 1 but replace the 15cm string with a 20cm string.
4. Repeat step 1 but replace the 20cm string with a 25cm string.
5. Repeat step 1 but replace the 25cm string with a 30cm string.
6. Repeat step 1 but replace the 30cm string with a 35cm string.
7. Repeat the experiment 2 more times and take down the average.

-35cm string
-30cm string
-25cm string
-20cm string
-15cm string
-10cm string
-Retort stand


Period of oscillation increases as length of string increases.

Table to record data:
What this graph shows:
Period increases as length of string increases

Other possible scenario
Scenario 2
What this graph shows:
Period is not affected by length of string.
Equation of graph: T=C

Scenario 3
What this graph shows:
Period decreases as length of string increases.
Equation: T=m(l)+C

Scenario 4
What this graph shows:
Period of oscillation increases when length of string remains the same.
Equation: T=∞

Physics Experimental Outline

Done by: Guan Ting, Genieve, Esther, Kaiwei, Geraldine

Variable: Length of string

Hypothesis: The longer the string, the faster the movement of the pendulum, hence the frequency increases, resulting in a shorter period for the pendulum to make a complete oscillation.

Line 1: As the length increases, the time increases.

Line 2: As the length decreases, the time increases.

Line 3: The time increases even though the length did not increase. This is not possible since the length has to change before the time can change as the time is dependent on the value of the length.

Line 4: The time did not increase even though the length increased.

Physics Pendulum Experiment

Done By: Alicia, Gloria, Jia Yi, Heng Yee, Joanna

How does the length of the string affect the time taken for one complete oscillation?

Purpose of experiment:
To find out whether the length of the string would affect the time taken for one complete oscillation of the pendulum.

If the length of the string increases, the time taken for a complete oscillation will increase as the distance between each swing would be longer.

Experiment Variables:
Independent Variable-Length of string

Dependent Variable-Time taken for one complete oscillation

Constant Variables:
-Weight of the bob
-Size of the bob
-Angle which the bob is released

-10cm string
-30cm string

4 Scenarios
As the length of the string increases, the time taken for one complete oscillation increases.

As the length of the string increases, the time taken for one complete oscillation decreases.

The length of the string does not affect the time taken for one complete oscillation.

The time taken for one complete oscillation is infinite.

Only scenario 1 is correct. As the length of the string increases, the time taken for one complete oscillation also increases, hence only graph 1 is correct. 

Experimental Outline

Done by: shiying and fangci 3J
               kaining, jingqi, catherine 3A

Simple Pendulum Experiment

Done by: Sean, Ryan, Boon Jian, Poh Zheng, Jason

Experiment Outline:

This experiment is to find out the effect of the length of the pendulum's string on the period of a simple pendulum. The experiment will be conducted with a pendulum with different lengths of string to find the results of the time taken for one oscillation and find the relationship between the length of the pendulums string and its period. 

As the length of the pendulum's strings increases, the period of the pendulum increases.

  1. Tie the bob to one end of the string and clamp the other end firmly between two splitting corks. Measure the length ℓ between the centre of the bob to the point of suspension to be 10.0cm.
  2. Set the pendulum swinging at an angle of 20°
  3. Record the time taken for 20 oscillations, t₁. Record timing for another 20 oscillations, t₂. Calculate and record the average time <t> where <t> = (t₁+t₂)/2
  4.  Repeat the procedures for different lengths ℓ of 15.0 cm, 20.0 cm, 25.0 cm, 30.0 cm and 35.0 cm
  5. Record all findings in a table.
  6.  Plot a graph of period T/s against length ℓ/m to find the relationship between T and the length of pendulum

Table to represent findings:

Graph to represent findings:
       Meaning of graph:

 As the length of the pendulum’s string increases, the period increases.

 T = mℓ + c

Other possible graphs:
Meaning of graph:

Period of the pendulum does not change when length of the string increase. Period is not affected by length
T = C

      Meaning of graph:

The period of the pendulum increases while the length of the string remains constant.

Y = undefined

Meaning of graph:

As the length of the pendulum’s string increases, the period decreases.

T = mℓ + c