Monday 27 January 2014

Simple Pendulum Experiment

Done by: Sean, Ryan, Boon Jian, Poh Zheng, Jason

Experiment Outline:

This experiment is to find out the effect of the length of the pendulum's string on the period of a simple pendulum. The experiment will be conducted with a pendulum with different lengths of string to find the results of the time taken for one oscillation and find the relationship between the length of the pendulums string and its period. 

As the length of the pendulum's strings increases, the period of the pendulum increases.

  1. Tie the bob to one end of the string and clamp the other end firmly between two splitting corks. Measure the length ℓ between the centre of the bob to the point of suspension to be 10.0cm.
  2. Set the pendulum swinging at an angle of 20°
  3. Record the time taken for 20 oscillations, t₁. Record timing for another 20 oscillations, t₂. Calculate and record the average time <t> where <t> = (t₁+t₂)/2
  4.  Repeat the procedures for different lengths ℓ of 15.0 cm, 20.0 cm, 25.0 cm, 30.0 cm and 35.0 cm
  5. Record all findings in a table.
  6.  Plot a graph of period T/s against length ℓ/m to find the relationship between T and the length of pendulum

Table to represent findings:

Graph to represent findings:
       Meaning of graph:

 As the length of the pendulum’s string increases, the period increases.

 T = mℓ + c

Other possible graphs:
Meaning of graph:

Period of the pendulum does not change when length of the string increase. Period is not affected by length
T = C

      Meaning of graph:

The period of the pendulum increases while the length of the string remains constant.

Y = undefined

Meaning of graph:

As the length of the pendulum’s string increases, the period decreases.

T = mℓ + c

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