Friday 14 March 2014

Dear 3A/J students,

         After your discussion that took place on 12/3/2014, your group will have 3 audio recorded files.
Can the group leader
1) upload these audio files on youtube
2) create a new post (kindly create the post title with all the students name on it) with the URL for the 3 audio recorded files.

After the post is created,
I need each member in the respective group to do the following
1) Listen to each audio file and pick up your own conversation
2) Using the rubrics for critical thinking that is attached to this post, create comments for all the 3 audio file do a self-assessment of your critical thinking skill.
An example is of such a comment is given as below

Generic type
1) Timestamp of audio file
2) Speaker
3) Intellectual standard displayed
4) Score of the intellectual standard displayed based on the critical thinking rubric
3:30 – 3:50, Claire, Depth , 3

A member in each group should only
(i) post as a comment that is under your own group post
(ii) post all your self-assessment of all of the 3 audio files under a single comment on the blog.
For example

3:20-3:50, part 1, David, Clarity 3
5:20-5:55, part 1, David, Depth 3
1:20-2:50, part 2, David, Logic 1
4:20-5:20, part 2, David, Precision 2
0:20-0:50, part 3, David, Acurracy 3
3:20-3:50, part 3, David, Clarity 3


Rubric for Critical Thinking
Standards and Elements
Identifies main purpose and/or concept for the  question
Highly inaccurate, with wrong or no purpose or concepts stated.
Low accuracy, or either the purpose or concepts  sated inaccurately
Some accuracy with purpose and concrete of question but subtle inaccuracies.
Complete accuracy with correct purpose and concepts clearly stated

Understands the facts, data, or examples used to support
No use of facts, data or examples
Incorrect or minimal use of the facts, data or examples
Some correct use of facts, data or examples
Frequent correct use of facts, data or examples

Identifies and uses the content-specific vocabulary
Include no content-specific vocabulary
Low precision, an attempt to use the content-specific vocabulary but uses incorrectly or minimally
Some precision, does incorporate content-specific vocabulary,
Complete precision with frequent use of content-specific vocabulary

Demonstrate complexity of understanding
No understanding of the connections among purpose and concepts
Limited understanding of the connections among purpose and concepts
Generally understands the connections among the purpose and concept
Complex understanding of the connections among the purpose and concepts

Identifies or generates conclusion(s) and personal significance to the questions
No relevance or conclusions stated
Low relevance, with basic conclusions stated
Some relevance with basic conclusions but does not connect to the concepts
Complete relevance, explains several conclusion.

Applies concepts and content to broad contexts
No application of concepts
Low application of concepts or incorrect application of concepts
Some application of concepts, but uses generic ideas
Complete application of concepts and content to other contexts by using pertinent examples and supply details

Based on Richard Paul and Linda Elder critical thinking conceptualisation. For most information, visit

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